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Farewell Programme & Awards Distribution

Farewell Programme 2019 was organized at the Hotel Radisson on 18 March 2019 by Grade XI students to bid a warm farewell to the outgoing Grade XII students (Batch 2017-2019).

The Principal of XA Mr. Badal Pradhan chaired the programme observed by the Board Director of XA Dr. Sangeeta Singh as Chief Guest. He delivered a motivational speech, encouraging all the students to make their untiring, sincere efforts to their greater confidence and competence so as to excel automatically in each and every test of their lives, extending good wishes for the upcoming Nepal Education Board (NEB) Examinations.

The programme was turned eventful by musical performances, songs and dances whereby the students of Grade XI showcased their talents. During this programme 12 Grade XII students, 6 boys and 6 girls, competed for Mr. Xavier and Miss Xavier. Through tough competition with their distinctive skills and presentations in all the rounds, Mr. Abhishek Pokharel and Ms. Kusum Neupane were crowned the title of Mr. Xavier and Miss Xavier respectively. Mr. Ankit Dallakoti and Ms. Arima Neupane were judged First Runner-up and Mr. Sarveshwor Narsimha Pradhan and Ms. Shreya Neupane Second Runne-up respectively.

Having different levels of experiences and attainments through ups and downs in the line of duty, it was a great time for Grade XII students to cherish memorable moments with their juniors, i.e. Grade XI students, teachers and administrative staff at XA just before leaving the college for higher orders of struggles to make their dream come true.

The following awards were also distributed on the very occasion:

NEF Chairman's Award 2019

Chhamji Sherpa

Umesh Shrestha Award 2019

Sadikshya Shrestha

Mohan Bir Singh Award 2019

Prakriya Adhikari

100% Attendance Award 2019

Sadikshya Shrestha

Dipika Rai, Smriti Chaudhari and Sunita Baram

Best Class Award 2019 (Running Shield)

Science XII B


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