Prof. Dr. Sriram Bhagut Mathe
Chairman of Nepal Education Foundation (NEF)
Chairman Kathmandu Don Bosco College (KDBC)
Founder Executive Chairman, Nepal Education Foundation (NEF)
Former Dean, Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuvan University (TU)
First Campus Chief (Principal), St. Xavier's College, TU
Former Campus Chief, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering (IOE), TU
Former Director, Center for Applied Research & Development (CARD), IOE, TU
Dear Prospective Students,
Xavier Academy (XA) celebrated 26 years of academic excellence. Throughout these last twenty six years, Aristotle’s quotation on “making excellence a habit” has inspired all of us in the college to achieve excellence in whatever we do in the college.
Our first priority is academic excellence. We can proudly state that we have achieved this through student-oriented teaching, close monitoring of the students’ attendance and performance, regular tests, assessments and examinations, providing necessary counseling and remedial classes in a very caring environment. From the very first year of our operations in 1997, our focus on academic excellence in a caring environment has translated into the college being consistently ranked amongst the top +2 institution in the country. From 2010 onwards, our results have been outstanding, with our students securing 100% results in both science and commerce over two consecutive years. Not satisfied with this, we have improved further our teaching-learning and significantly improved all our facilities to become one of the best if not the best +2 institution in the country. We invite students to be a part of this challenging and exciting journey.
Our second and equally important priority is total personality development. Therefore, we are implementing a holistic education system, whereby our students can participate in a wide range of mandatory co-curricular, extra-curricular and social activities. Through these activities (essay-writing, elocution, debate Model United Nations, personality development, motivational classes, social service, selected sports and cultural activities), our students have discovered their potential and talent and have excelled in various inter-college competitions. I am happy to report that our students have not only taken a keen interest in debating and Model United Nations but also have excelled in these very important character-building activities.
Above all, we are committed to producing morally upright students with character and integrity, students who love their country and will be proud of who they are, students who will make their parents, their teachers, their college and the nation proud.
As someone, who has been teaching and managing education institutions for 47+ years, I feel very proud to have been the Founder Chairperson of NEF and XA and to be the current Executive Chairman and Principal of XA. The secret of my youthful energy and enthusiasm is my students, who inspire me to be as youthful as them.
To us, education is not profit-making venture but an invaluable service that we can render to the youth of the country. Education is certainly not a past-time but a commitment to produce a critical mass of enlightened people who will contribute to socio-economic development of the country. We believe that investment in education is the best investment we can make. It is the best service we can render to our country.
I wish to reach out to our prospective students and invite them to join me and my colleagues in an exhilarating journey to make Xavier Academy the best +2 institution in the country!

Ms. Rashmi Sharma Mainali
Principal of Xavier Academy (XA) and Kathmandu Don Bosco College (KDBC)
Dear Xavier Academy Parents and students,
It is with great pleasure and excitement that I write to you as the principal of Xavier Academy. I feel happy that I have joined the institution at a time when the college is celebrating its 25th anniversary.
I am excited and honored to have the opportunity to lead the college with such a rich tradition both in and out of the classroom.
Xavier Academy has earned the reputation of academic excellence through the hard work of our teachers, students and staffs. The college is proud to run its +2 program with utmost sincerity and passion. We have used the integrated approach of teaching & learning with focus not just on academics, but with special emphasis on co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The college has always believed in the qualities of honesty, dedication, benevolence, and on being morally right. We try to inculcate all these traits in our students and prepare them for their life and academic goals.
The college equally supports an outstanding athletic culture; promote various activities through school clubs. I would like to encourage the prospective students to experience our college culture, one that is focused on providing students with the academic and social resources that will help them achieve their goals.
The milestone, the college has achieved of 25 years, is achieved through sheer dedication and utmost sincerity in our endeavor. Now, we take time to enhance our relationships, celebrate our achievements, and continue to build on our successful foundation, and foster an even more incredible learning environment for our students.
We are a college where exceptional teaching and learning is the standard.
Warm Regards,
Rashmi Sharma Mainali