Our Anniversary
I wish to take this opportunity to thank all the Board members and promoter friends, members of the senior management, the faculty, the administration, and, most important, the students of Xavier Academy for a most memorable 25th Anniversary. The theme chosen, namely “Building Character and Broadening Horizons”, for all our celebratory activities truly reflected what we have being doing very well for the past 25 years. Many months of planning ensured that the many activities organized in July and first part of August 2022, from the Inter-School/College Art, Essay and Chess competitions on 2 July, XA Mahasangram debating competition from 7-10 July, alumni meet on 16 July, inter-school/college quiz contest on 17 July, XA Model United Nations 2022 from 22 to 24 July 2022, alumni homecoming and art and science exhibition on 30 July 2022, the big cultural event for our students and some alumni on 31 July in Academy Hall, to our flagship event, namely the grand felicitation and cultural program on 1 August, the 25th Anniversary Day, again in Academy Hall were successfully completed. The grand event on 25th Anniversary Day on 1st of August 2022 was appreciated by the Chief Guest, Dr. Bindu Nath Lohani, the former Vice-President of Asian Development Bank, and our distinguished guest and societal change maker, Mr. Karna Shakya, the founder of Karna Positive Trust, and our very own Honorable State Minister Mr. Umesh Shrestha, Board members and promoter friends, as well as all the parents/guardians and invitees for the clockwork and superb performances by our students. The25th Anniversary activities ended on 19 August 2022 with another felicitation program and thanksgiving dinner to thank everybody who participated in all the 25th Anniversary program activities.
Throughout these last twenty-five years, the powerful message from the great Greek Philosopher, Aristotle (384-322 BC), to “make excellence a habit” and the equally powerful message from the great German-born Theoretical Scientist, Albert Einstein (1879-1955 AD) to “be a man of value rather than a man of success”, have inspired and guided all of us to achieve excellence in whatever we do in the college, always adhering to human values, and core principles of justice and integrity.
Our motto of “academic excellence and total personality development” reflects the advice given by these two intellectual giants. From the very first day of operations on 1st of August 1997, when XA Xavier Academy (XA) opened its academic portal to 18 science and 30 management students of Class XI, XA has been committed to “academic excellence, total personality development and individual advancement”.
We have been mindful of what the very famous American football coach, Vince Lombardi (1913 to 1970) stated "Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence." It is in this spirit that we have always advised our students to aim for perfection so that they can achieve excellence in whatever they do.
In pursuit of excellence, XA has supplemented the prescribed core curriculum by a variety of value-added co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, including essay writing, elocution, debating, Model United Nations, motivational lectures, as well as sports, art and music, which are conducted in a learning-conducive and caring environment.
Our students, past and present, have always been our pride. This is why our souvenir for the 20th anniversary in 2017 and for our 25th anniversary was aptly named “Our Students, Our Pride”. It is a matter of great pride to share with all of you that over the past 25 years, 5,449 students, comprising of 3,021 (55%) science and 2,428 (45%) management students, with almost 49% girl students, have successfully completed their 10+2 studies with excellent grades, making Xavier Academy one of the top 10+2 institutions in Nepal. Many of these graduates have not only gone abroad for higher studies but have made their mark in the international arena. Those who have stayed back are contributing to the economic development of the country through their respective careers. We wish every one of them here in Nepal or abroad the very best always

It is a matter of great pride that over the past 25 years, 5,449 students, comprising of 3,021 (55%) science and 2,428 (45%) management students, with almost 49% girl students, have successfully completed their 10+2 studies with excellent grades, making Xavier Academy one of the top
10+2 institutions in Nepal.
25th Anniversary Celebrations